Companies are shifting to Net-Zero, explore their reduction blueprints.

Agriculture, forestry and land use
Building materials
Building materials: Cement and other
Building materials: Metal
Building materials: Wood
Delivery and freight
Energy: Electricity
Energy: Heat and steam
Products: Electronics
Products: Fashion
Products: Food and beverage
Products: Metal products, machinery and equipment
Products: Other products
Refrigerants and fugitive gases
Services: Business and production services
Services: Community, social and personal services
Services: Constructions and construction services
Services: Financial and related services
Services: Hospitality services
Services: Other services
Travel & Accommodation
Travel & Accommodation: Accommodation
Travel & Accommodation: Travel
Behavioral and Cultural Change (Community Outreach and Collaboration)
Behavioral and Cultural Change (Employee Education and Engagement)
Behavioral and Cultural Change (Sustainability Policies and Guidelines)
Behavioral and Cultural Change (Sustainability Reporting and Transparency)
Carbon Capture and Offsetting (Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS))
Carbon Capture and Offsetting (Purchasing Carbon Credits)
Carbon Capture and Offsetting (Reforestation and Afforestation)
Carbon Capture and Offsetting (Soil Carbon Sequestration)
Energy Efficiency (Building Design and Insulation)
Energy Efficiency (Building and Space Utilisation)
Energy Efficiency (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC))
Energy Efficiency (Industrial Processes Optimisation)
Energy Efficiency (Lighting and Appliances)
Governance and Compliance (Environmental Management Systems (EMS))
Governance and Compliance (Internal Carbon Pricing)
Governance and Compliance (Regulatory Adherence)
Governance and Compliance (Third-Party Certification and Auditing)
Product and Service Innovation (Development of Low-Carbon Products)
Product and Service Innovation (Eco-Design and Circular Economy Practices)
Product and Service Innovation (Offering Carbon-Neutral Services)
Renewable Energy Adoption (Biomass)
Renewable Energy Adoption (General)
Renewable Energy Adoption (Geothermal)
Renewable Energy Adoption (Hydroelectric)
Renewable Energy Adoption (Hydrogen)
Renewable Energy Adoption (Solar)
Renewable Energy Adoption (Wind)
Supply Chain Management (Lifecycle Analysis)
Supply Chain Management (Local Sourcing)
Supply Chain Management (Packaging Reduction and Recycling)
Supply Chain Management (Sustainable Procurement Practices)
Transportation Solutions (Alternative Fuels)
Transportation Solutions (Electric and Hybrid Vehicles)
Transportation Solutions (Employee Commuting Initiatives)
Transportation Solutions (Fleet Management and Fuel Efficiency)
Waste Reduction and Management (Process Optimisation to Minimise Waste)
Waste Reduction and Management (Recycling and Composting)
Waste Reduction and Management (Waste-to-Energy Technologies)
Waste Reduction and Management (Water Conservation)
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Single source of truth
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Scope 2: Electricity
Supply Chain Management (Lifecycle Analysis)
Single source of truth
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Scope 1: Mobile combustion
Waste Reduction and Management (Process Optimisation to Minimise Waste)
Single source of truth
Mastercard prioritises green-certified buildings and eco-friendly lease terms
Mastercard ensures its over 100 global facilities operate with environmental consciousness by analysing utility data, performing audits, and embedding sustainable terms in leases.
Scope 2
Energy Efficiency (Building Design and Insulation)