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How do I calculate my organisation’s carbon footprint?

Updated 30 July 2022

Consequence dashboard
Consequence is a carbon management system that provides a single source of truth for your carbon footprint collection, calculation, targets, reduction and removals efforts. It is specifically designed to comply with the GHGP and the major reporting standards.

How Consequence helps you tackle the GHGP

Consequence automates the workflows and processes needed to create a GHGP-compliant carbon footprint, saving you time and money.

The platform reads and understands any data you provide it with, be it activity, raw materials, spend or other. It is able to understand and map ‘what’ you do to its relevant place in the GHGP, to the most relevant emissions factors, and automatically run impact calculations.

We help organisations reduce resources spent on complex spreadsheets, siloed data and opaque calculations and invest those savings on high-impact areas like carbon reductions and risk mitigation.

Specifically, Consequence:

  1. Using purchasing data, Consequence captures a comprehensive blueprint of your carbon footprint across your scope 1, 2 and 3 (upstream). The purchase amounts with suppliers across energy, products, assets, services etc are combined with supplier-specific or industry sector emissions factors to calculate the carbon footprint.
  2. Using sales data, Consequence captures your scope 3 downstream carbon footprint in categories 9-13. The sales amounts are combined with the customer-specific or industry sector emissions factors to calculate the carbon footprint estimate at each stage of your product’s lifecycle.
  3. Consequence is compatible with thousands of emissions factors (eg. UK DEFRA emissions factors) that can be used across scope 1, 2 and 3 calculations. Users may input consumption, units of product, emissions factors and emissions total values to complete each calculation.
  4. Offline calculations & data points may be added to the Consequence platform, which combines all data into a complete carbon footprint which can be tracked over time, across segments of a business and more.
  5. Scope 0 is a term we use at Consequence to refer to impacts organisations have that the GHGP misses, for example, the impact of your staff, banking and tax payments. Consequence allows organisations to calculate the impact of several Scope 0 emissions, but that is beyond the scope of this report.

Request a copy of the Consequence calculation methodology and Net-Zero process here.

About Consequence

Consequence’s mission is to build a consequence neutral world. Today, we are helping organisations achieve Net-Zero. Consequence provides a software platform and carbon accounting experts to substantially eliminate the time and cost involved in meeting your GHGP-compliant  carbon footprint and Net-Zero obligations.

Consequence offers the world’s most intelligent carbon accounting platform for Net-Zero. Consequence automates workflows across carbon footprint data collection, categorisation, calculation, tracking, targets, removals and reporting. The carbon management platform and our experts work in compliance with the GHGP, SBTi, TCFD and other global standards.

Data collection

Consequence is compatible with all data and emissions factor types. Consequence calculates a powerful scope 1 - 3 carbon footprint (GHGP advanced screening) by applying proprietary emissions factors and spend-based calculation methods on financial data. Activity data calculations are then added, leveraging our database of emissions factors, to complete the analysis.

Our team of carbon accounting experts, with experience analysing millions of carbon footprint activities, are on-hand to support you through the process whether this is in planning, data collection, full carbon footprinting or product LCAs, for example.

The Consequence platform provides valuable outputs including:

  • A single source of truth for your data
  • Automatic data collection of all activities
  • Rapid data categorisation determines the type of product purchased and the supplier used
  • Automatic CO2e impact calculation for every activity
  • Transparent database of emissions factors
  • Automatic GHGP scope labelling for all activities
  • Automatic data segmentation as pre-defined by you, eg. by the team, product or location
  • Automatic audit-ready deliverable with change logs and data recorded in one place
  • A user interface that’s easy and intuitive

Science-based target setting

Consequence automatically sets near-term and Net-Zero targets based on the SBTi’s 1.5ºC warming scenario.

Select your preferred carbon footprint baseline year (typically 2018 - 2021) which is calculated by Consequence. Alternatively, without a full base year, Consequence analyses available data and extrapolates to a full base year. The required reductions are then calculated.

Consequence offers a consulting service for organisations wishing to have their targets submitted to and approved by the SBTi.


The final step in a GHGP and SBTi compliant carbon footprint calculation is to make the relevant disclosures public. Consequence’s calculations are aligned with the global standards for disclosure, such as TCFD, SBTi and SECR.

Consequence provides every quantitative figure required by the standards and offers a consulting service for organisations wishing to have support completing the qualitative sections and attaining a submitted and approved disclosure.

Consequence substantially eliminates the significant time, cost and complexity required to achieve each step of your Net-Zero journey.

Start intelligent calculation, tracking, reductions, and reporting of your carbon footprint and request a demo.

Get a copy of the Consequence GHGP guide to learn more.

Consequence Greenhouse Gas Protocol Guide